Today I’d like to continue talking about sewing apparel with quilting cotton. You can read my original post about sewing apparel with quilting cotton here. Quilting cotton is usually stiffer and has less drape than apparel fabrics. If you find a lovely quilting cotton that you absolutely must have as a garment, consider sewing a quilting cotton jacket as I have here. In my case, I found this lovely vintage print by Timeless Treasures April in Paris Collage.

As with my previous quilting cotton jacket, I didn’t take pictures in progress because it was before I started this blog. Here are some of the things I did for my jacket if you want to attempt your own DIY version.
- Chose a heavier weight quilting cotton since this is for a jacket. If you choose a lighter weight fabric then it would be too flimsy.
- Consider using a knit fabric for the sleeves. I used a medium weight polyester knit for the sleeves.
- Consider lining your jacket. I lined the jacket with a polyester lining to improve the drape and also added facing to make the jacket more heavy weight.
- Choose a simple jacket pattern that have darts. The darts will help shape the jacket and make it less boxy. I used Simplicity 1699 view C again.
- My jacket pattern was unlined so I used the same pattern for the facing and then accounted for the difference in the seam allowance to cut the lining fabric. I increased the length of the pattern by about 3 inches because I wanted this jacket longer. For the lining I only increased 1 inch to make sure the lining was shorter than the jacket. I also cut the lining 1 inch wider on the fold in order to create the back pleat.
- I did not line my sleeves so I just serged the outside and lining together at the armhole as you see in the picture below. If you want to completely line the jacket consider using the bagging method to sew your lining and outer fabric together. The inside of the sleeve is a white polyester knit backing so it makes it easier to slip on the jacket even without lining.

Here are a few more views of the jacket interior and back.

Interior ( left ) and Back Views ( right )

Close Up of Top ( left )
Bottom Right Interior ( right )
I hope these tips are helpful if you decide to sew your own DIY quilting cotton jacket. Happy “mad” sewing!
What a great jacket – you used an awesome fabric too!
This jacket is lovely. Great idea using quilting fabrics they have such lovely designs and the weight certainly lends itself to a jacket.
This is a lovely jacket. I made a quilted jacket as my first ever garment. Great job!
Some great tips there, and your jacket is very cool!
I have this fabric in laminate! made a bag out of it – maybe I should send it to you to go with your jacket 😉
Very helpful tips and a great jacket!
Love the fabric
Great jacket! Thanks for the tips, too. Thanks for linking to TGIFF.